The DJINN-ENODISE conference

Aeroacoustic Installation Effects in Conventional

and New Aircraft Propulsion Systems

22-24 November 2023, HdW/bbw, Berlin

Thank you immensely for your invaluable support of the DJINN-ENODISE Conference

The key ambition of this conference was tied to the provision of advanced tools for coupled aerodynamics-aeroacoustics, to enable (multi-disciplinary) design optimisation in future industrial environments, and to reach a new level of noise reduction through a highly collaborative effort

with the main conference topics:

  • Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic installation effects in non-conventional aircraft architectures
  • UHBR jet-airframe hydrodynamic and acoustic interactions
  • Jet-airframe interaction noise technologies including flow-control techniques
  • Innovative noise reduction technologies through shape optimization, surface treatments, add-ons, active control
  • ‘Design-to-noise’ capabilities for jet-airframe interaction noise of under-wing and rear-fuselage mounted engines
  • Improved solvers, highly adapted meshes for complex geometries, improved processing of data (‘co-processing), and high-performance computing (HPC) to reduce wall-clock times
  • Advanced multi-fidelity modelling approaches for ‘rapid design’ of conventional and UAM aircraft
  • Multi-disciplinary optimisation

Conference Supporters

European Commission

Conference Host
EU project ENODISE

Conference Host
EU project DJINN

von Karman Institute

CFD Berlin


EU project PULSAR

ECCOMAS Industrial Interest Group