Quantitative objectives – the project’s impacts
Ambitious quantitative objectives are going to be achieved:
- Increase the frequency range of simulations up to Strouhal numbers of 10, whilst maintaining affordability and ability to capture the complex geometries representing the two aircraft configurations selected.
- Predict under-wing jet-airframe interaction noise to within 1 dB accuracy.
- Demonstrate a reduction of jet-airframe interaction noise peak level at low frequencies by 5 dB by designs and technologies to be investigated and verify at aircraft level that the combination of integrative designs and technologies mitigate the risks associated with jet-airframe in-flight interaction noise.
- Reduce the turn-around time of high-order (CFD) approaches by a factor of 5, using h-p refinement techniques for approaches such as Spectral Difference Methods (SDM) (mesh + simulation + post-processing).
- Evaluate innovative high-fidelity simulation-method components (accelerators, alternatives to FWH, improved numerical schemes) and reduce turn-around times significantly – in the case of GPU usage by an additional (estimated) factor greater than 5.
- Reduce design times and costs by 25% compared to large-scale testing